Cavaliers make great therapy dogs, they are happy and affectionate, little bundles of love, and they always make people feel better.
These are some of my puppies that are making a big difference in people’s lives.
Quincy is a therapy dog and he lives with Aurora, another therapy dog. They love to go visiting people and cheering up their day. Quincy earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen when he was only 9 months old. He certified as a registered therapy dog with Therapy Dogs International when he was one year old. Quincy did his training at Woof2Hoof
He is part of STRONG P.E.T.S. - a pet therapy program at Strong Memorial visiting over 15 units. Including Golisano Children’s Hospital, Wilmot Cancer Center and Pluta Cancer Center. He also does stress relief visits to various professional staff departments. The doctors and nurses look forward to Quincy’s visits giving them a much needed break.
Quincy is part of TALES FOR TAILS - visiting elementary school libraries and village libraries where young children come in and read to the dogs, and he is one of about 15 dogs that visit Pittsford Pediatric Dentist and accompany kids going in for cleanings and dental procedures.
Strong and the children’s dentist are anxious to get Quincy and Aurora back as soon as visits can resume. Quincy and Aurora are anxious too!
Lucy is the poster dog for Morristown hospital as a morale booster.
Lucy enjoys being a therapy dog and visiting people. Therapy dogs are trained to provide affection and comfort to people in a variety of settings including hospitals, schools, and retirement homes.
Lucy and her owner are a certified team with Creature Comfort Pet Therapy and Soothing Paws (the pet therapy team at Morristown Medical Center)